The Seawall Society of Young Poets:
Inspiring Young Minds Through Poetry
Explore Our Poetry
Collaborative Works from the Seawall Society

The Seawall Society of Young Poets is a group of Key West kids who participate in workshops over 2024 and 2025 to learn about and begin writing poems. Our aim is to create greater access to an understanding of poetry and the impact it can make in the lives of young people. We hope to fill their minds with the magic of words and to immerse the city’s youth in the awareness of the poetry that is inside of and all around them.
Here, we extend those workshops into a space where we hope that teachers, librarians, and parents to access activities to help children share this experience of engaging with poetry, specifically the poetry lurking in the world around them, drawing on elements of the natural environment. We also invite you to experience the wonder of words as you explore collaborative poems from the Seawall Society workshops and recordings of these young talents sharing their verses, rhymes, and enchantments. In addition, younger poets can find our write-a-poem panels at Key West playgrounds, coming in 2025.
The Seawall Society of Young Poets is the creation of Key West Poet Laureate Emily Schulten. This program is made possible by the generous support of the Academy of American Poets and the Mellon Foundation.

If your child is interested in writing and is age 6 – 12, please reach out to Emily Weekley at
In these workshops, attendees will receive a book and write a poem under the guidance of workshop faculty. These poems will inspect the world around us in our island landscape. Students will be recorded reading their poem for a video anthology, and the group will write a poem together for distribution at guesthouses on a postcard. The workshops are free to attendees, but note that space is limited. Please register for only one workshop per child.